Vascular Surgeon
Dr. Saliveros Apostolos

Dr Saliveros Apostolos was raised in Glyfada and attended the 3rd Lyceum of Glyfada. He graduated from Athens University - Medical School - in 1998. He has a masters degree in Endovascular Techniques and a phD from Athens Medical School. He did some training in Germany and Scotland in endovascular techniques. He was trained in Vascular Ultrasound in Attikon Hospital and is licensed from the Hellenic Ministry of Health for performing vascular ultrasound. He is currently performing surgery in hospitals Mediterraneo and Medical Centre of southern Athens. He is an associate doctor of MEDISYSTEM (health care system of Interamerican).

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Vein Insufficiency is much more than  an aesthetic problem. 

 Vein Insufficiency is recognized since the ancient years. According to studies varicose veins is a very common disease and during the 7th decade of life  in women 7 out of 10 have this disease. People often think that varicose veins are an aesthetic problem but this is not true. They cause serious complications like ulcers, lipodermatosclerosis, thrombosis etc


Our Medical Office

We believe that a patient in anxiety about his medical condition should come to a calming and stress-free environment. Our office is just that. And of course it is equipped with everything that is needed to correctly diagnose and treat vascular problems. That is last generation ultrasound machines, dopplers, plethysmography, special lenses for microsclerotherapy, special polarised light lens for foam sclerotherapy, special tools and oven for sterilisation of the tools for performing microsurgery under local anaesthesia.

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Member Of

  • AVLS Interim
    American Vein and Lymphatic Society
  • logo esvs
    European Society for Vascular Surgery
  • vascular society el 1
    Hellenic Society of Vascular Surgery
  • hphs logoHellenic Phlebological Society

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Pl. Vasos Katraki 6, 16675 Glyfada

+30 210 9648722